Create Customizable Reports with SierraNet
- Login at SierraTek at or via the App
- Expand the left side menu and select "Report Templates"
- On the Report Templates Page, select click "New Template" button and a side panel will open.
- Give a Title for your Report and use the dropdown to select a section and press the Create Session button.
- Creating Summary Table Section
Give a Section a title, select the "Add Rows" to add operations, a dropdown will show for users to first select the Device, then data (Temperature, Humidity and ETC) and finally the operation desired.
You can delete or create any rows as needed.
Click Save to attach the section to the template and go back to Template Form.
- Creating Graph or Data Table Sections
Give the Section a name, select the Device and include any data required to be displayed on the Graph or in the table.
Click Save to attach the section to the template and go back to Template Form.
- Report Sections
The Report Sections can be edited or deleted, additionally the sections can be reorganized by dragging and dropping the selected section to a different order.
- Save Template
Users must click save to apply changes for the Template.
- Viewing Template and PDF Export
A list of Templates will be displayed, users can select to open or edit the template.
- Select Different Data Range
Select different time ranges to display the report, this will automatically update the template with the new date range provided. Click Export and SierraNet will generate the report in PDF.